I am a spiritual seeker who was interested in finding the real truth of all Religions and Gospels. After reading “Autobiography of a Yogi” by Paramahansa Yogananda, I was inspired to learn the ancient meditation technique of Kriya Yoga. I have spent almost three years reading different books on Kriya and have done lots of research on Internet to learn more about Kriya Yoga Meditation. I have then decided to take initiation and started searching for Guru. After searching for an year, I found my Guru at Rishikesh Kriya Yoga Ashram. More about my master and spiritual friends.
I created this blog to help spiritual seekers like me to find their Guru. I have provided all the website links of different Kriya Yoga Masters who have their presence on internet. My intention is to create general awareness about Kriya Yoga before one takes initiation or If you are a Kriyaban who is already initiated, this blog helps to find some more information.
One should remember that different teachers might teach Kriya in different ways but every teaching leads to the same essence, that is “Inner Silence and Bliss to a stage of Non-Duality”.
Three are bodies ( Physical, Astral, Casual )
Seven are the Chakras ( Energy Centers )
Three are the Nadis ( Channels ) – Ida – left, Pingala – Right, Sushumna – Center
Three are the Granthis (Knots or Energy Blocks) – Brahma Granthi at 1st center, Vishnu Granthi at 4th center, Rudra Granthi at 6th center.
Shakti (Kundalini) is at 1st center and Shiva (Supreme Consciousness) is at 7th center
Whichever Yoga or Path of Spirituality you might follow, Whatever techniques you might use, At the end of the day these are the things you have to do.
Identify the Chakras on your spinal cord and open them. You cannot see them but you can feel them because they are not on physical body, they belong to astral body.
Identify the Nadis and open them. Ida is Moon and Pingala is Sun. In Hindu tradition, Ida left channel is Ganga, Pingala right channel is Yamuna, Sushumna central channel is Saraswati. The triveni sangam where these 3 channels meet is 6th center Ajna.
Untie the three Knots and free up the channels so that energy can pass freely through sushumna
Raise Shakti at 1st center and take it to the 7th center through sushumna central energy channel. This is the Union, This is the Yoga. This is the Realization.
If you are starting with 5th Center using Kechari mudra – You are doing Kriya Yoga
If you are starting with 1st center by awakening kundalini – You are doing Kundalini Yoga or Siddha Yoga or Sri Vidya or Dakshina marga (Right Hand Path) of Tantra
If you are starting with 6th center by focusing on Ajna chakra and controlling mind through breath – You are doing Raja Yoga or Buddhist or Zen Meditation
If you are starting with the 4th center by focusing on the heart – You are doing Bhakti Yoga or Sufism. If you wish to chant and sing, this is the path for you.
If you are starting with Ida, Pingala and Sushumna energy channels – You are doing Hatha Yoga
So, Stop worrying and Start practicing.
Om Shanti Shanti Shanti !!!
Let there be peace upon you !
Let there be peace within you !!
Let there be peace around you !!!
Spiritual Seeker.