Kriya Yoga Courses and Initiation

Kriya Yoga Tradition follows Guru – Shishya Parampara. It means, it is passed from a Guru (Master) to the Shishya (Disciple). It is very important to learn kriya yoga from a Guru because it deals with astral body. During the ancient times, disciples would serve the masters for years and even then, there was no guarantee that a disciple could get kriya yoga initiation. Verily, we are the most fortunate generation and a big thanks to Paramahamsa Yogananda for his “Autobiography of a Yogi” and making Kriya Yoga a house hold name.
If you call yourself a Spiritual Seeker, it simply means you are a NUT. For you, It is not enough to believe in belief systems, follow the rituals, listen to the prophecies, spiritual stories of all kinds. Your longing is such that you want to experience it by yourself and you are not satisfied with others experiences and sayings even though they are self realised masters. This is the reason, Kriya Yoga is called as Ancient Science of Meditation. In Kriya, using breath as a tool and using different breathing techniques, one can experience God, Self, Silence, Awareness, Brahman, Heavenly Father, Allah, Omkar, Yehovah, Consciousness, Satchitananda (Sat – Being, Chit – Conscious, Ananda – Bliss). All of these are names given to the same Universal Spirit in different cultures and traditions.
There are many Kriya Yoga Masters offering initiations to anyone who seek sincerely.
Some masters are good at speeches and oratory to inspire your minds like Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev
Some masters take you to the essence directly without much words. These kind of masters are like Munis (sages) of ancient times. These masters doesn’t offer much speeches. Muni is one who practice Mouna (Silent without speech). They would speak only if required. I have met a master of such stature who resembles that of a Muni in present times. His name is Per H. Wibe, a realised master from Norway in Kriya Yoga Tradition.
I am listing few of the courses offered by that master Per H. Wibe
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