Excerpts from the book Kundalini - Arousal of Inner Energy The ascent of Kundalini as it pierces through the chakras…
The State after Self Realization

- When the being is at ajna chakra, point between eye brows, source of creation appears as a star that is as bright as million suns. If the being is a devotee and wish to see a form, God appears in a form of devotee’s choice. This is referred as Sadhguna Brahman, God with a form or qualities.
- The being sees that all the forms of worldly beings are originated from that star. Thus, they understand that the formless God has taken all these forms to enjoy the creation. There is no one else other than the divine being.
- The being gets knowledge of all their past lives. Understanding this world is a play of karmas, the being loses interest in the game of identities, desires and attachments.
- When being enters sahasrara chakra, top of the head through sushumna (central energy channel), they experience God without any qualities or form. This is referred as Shunya or Nirguna Brahman.
- When being comes down from sahasrara after uniting with supreme consciousness. The sense of physical boundary vanishes. The being feels he is at the center of the universe but experiences circumference is no where to be found. It feels very vast.
- A being feels oneness with the entire cosmos when they come down to ajna chakra from sahasrara.
- The world looks like play of light, every being is made of light. Nothing appears gross.
- The being experiences Absolute Bliss in every cell of body to a point where the being becomes unconscious of the surrounding at times. Their eyes shed tears of bliss because of the overwhelming experience.
- Constant pranava (AUM ) sound is heard. It is unstruck sound which is beautiful and magical. After listening to this, one is not attracted to earthly music no matter how great it is.
- Mind becomes thought less, absolutely blank. It is accessible only when it’s required
- The being smells unearthly divine fragrance all the time.
- It feels like one has woke up from a dream called world. That is why, this being is referred as Awakened one.
- When they fall asleep, It feels like one is watching their own sleep, This is the state of Turiya- the fourth state. The three states are waking, sleeping and dreamless sleep.
- Just like the depth of ocean and waves on it’s surface, It feels like one is established themselves in the deeper core of the being and Life is happening on the surface.
- Just like a person who sit on the river bank watches the river flowing without getting into the water, a realized being too lives in the world as witness without getting attached to it.
- Just like a child, It will be hard for the realized being to differentiate between genders, every one looks like life to them. One needs to observe consciously to differentiate.
- When the being who was a devotee, listens or sings devotional songs, they get into samadhi state without any effort. It feels as if the heart will explode because of their longing and love for god. Most beings might shed tears of bliss when this happens. This happened to Meera, Rumi, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, Ramakrishna Paramahansa and many others.
- Many Sufi mystics, Chrisitian and Hindu saints refer the bliss of the union which cause intoxicaton (without any substances), as the state of drunken-ness. They compare it to wine but in realiity, they are referring to bliss that happens because of pineal gland secretions. In Hindu tradition. this is referred as Amrita or Ganga that is falling from Shiva’s head.
- Any event pleasure or pain will not make any impact. It feels like a gentle scratch, can’t touch deeper.
- One is completely devoid of any desires. They become desireless.
- Any action performed by the being is not accounted as Karma. They are free from the circular rounds of Samsara.
- A realized being considers their body as a vehicle, when the time of death arrives, they drop the body just like a bird flies off to another tree without much hesitation or worry.
- Even though a being might perform actions in the world, they are not worried about the outcome of the results. It all feels like they are playing their role.
- A realized being’s mind do not worry about the past nor is anxious about the future. It remains in the present moment. Always Happy and Blissful.
- One will lose interest in all the worldy topics and nothing excites them anymore, Be it wealth, name, fame and sex. They will be interested only in spirituality and god.
- A realized being sees every other being as part of them. For this reason, they cannot differentiate between a King and a Beggar. All the divisions of worldy life like Race, Caste, Community, Religion, Nationality, Rich – Poor, Celebrity – Unknown, Scholar – illiterate evaporates for them. Everyone looks the same.
- Great compassion arises in their heart for other beings who are not realized. One dedicates their whole life to help others by teaching and sharing their own experience.
- When they start to teach, they always look for people who wants to experience the truth. They are not interested in people who wants to listen to another story or new philosophy. Their teaching and answers are dependent on the person who is asking the question. If one is a sincere seeker, they will answer in great depth. If one asks question just out of curiosity, they just tell them a story or divert the topic.
- Most of the Gurus in every tradition and culture, taught realization techniques to their disciples to experience the truth directly. At the same time, told stories and parables to common people. It is because Gurus saw them as people who are engrossed in their worldly life, they were just asking questions out of curiosity. They are not willing to make the necessary efforts to walk all the way.
- The realized being understands the futile attachments and material desires of wordly beings. As they have seen their own past lives and remembers their own cravings, how they ran after wealth, success, women/men, social status and revenge in many life times. They understand it is pointless to go after the desires which results in immense suffering.
- They focus on teaching people to experience their own divinity rather addressing the desires which are the same in every life.
- The Conduct of a Realized being is explained by Sage Vasishta to his disciple Rama in Yoga Vasishta.
- Sadasiva Brahmendra a 16th century Avadhutha (naked sage) speaks about his Bliss experience after realization in his text Atma Vidya Vilasa
- It doesn’t mean everyone has to leave their families and become monks to realize the truth. It means one needs to change their attitude towards life and strive for realization in their hearts.
- Many people are interested in spirituality because of Siddhis or Miracles. Changing the form of materials is nothing great. At the end of the day, one is still dealing with the same material aspects of life, leaving the experience of their divinity which is far more greater than anything in the creation.
- When one can sit in the lap of creator, why crave for the objects of creation? My master Norwegian Muni in one his sayings refers to this
Our life is full of miracles but we are not aware of it – our present carries the fear of past and future desires – preventing us from seeing what is in front of us, the living reality. See life carefully – Nobody tells a seed how to grow, a bird how to build a nest, to fly, to find food and to protect themselves.
Why can’t a man find the answer to the mystery of life, why does man want to see miracles, when everything is a miracle itself and a sign of Life.